Monday, November 1, 2010

Used to

Getting used to a new cold seems to the be the name of the game today. I've have weather on my mind since we moved here and have somewhat dreaded thinking about the impending cold weather.

All I keep hearing is that so far it's been a mild fall. One year they had so much snow on Halloween they had to cancel it! Am I making it up to be a bigger deal than it is??? God knows I haven't seen a real winter in like...well, ever! In a land where 40's is a high during the day in the winter, that's cold for me! Sure, I've been to the snow but I can't help but brace myself for this impending doomsday season that inevitably is coming ::Jaws theme music::.

It's November 1. They* say it's going to make it up to 63 today. I highly doubt that! I went out this morning to feed the goats in a cotton t-shirt and a light sweatshirt over that. I told myself that if it was anything more than 45 I would be really really upset! If it was in the 30's though, I'd be relieved knowing it was cold but that it wasn't so cold that it was unmanageable for me. As it was, it was like 43 but with the windchill it felt like 34 so I was pretty ecstatic knowing that it wasn't actually a silly temperature like 55 and there I was thinking it had to have been 32!

*Whoever they are.

The goats are fluffing up, green grass is all but gone. Kids are bundling up to head off to school and I've got soups and homemade bread on the brain!

Anyway, back to work.

1 comment:

Jo Abair said...

I dont know either about this winter, we have been here for 3 falls now counting this one and with the exception of some freezing cold days here and there, we have never had true cold till mid nov/early dec. So it may be a mild fall but then its the 3rd! For my experience, we wont get into the teeth of real cold winter till after x mas. Which is fine, because jan/feb/march truly make up for it! Year before last we had 3 snows in APRIL so the mild fall, well it was paid for...Mild falls are wonderful anyways, its not hot and fly ridden thankfully and its just so nice to be out in! Plus a warm halloween is more fun than a freezing one.