Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Christmas with family in Mascoutah and bringing in the new year with friends

A very nice Christmas was had with family in Illinois. Saturday we took all the kids to the arch in St. Louis and Sunday had present time and a lovely meal later in the day. Lots of catching up and good stories, lots of laughter and fun.

I was not able to finish the children's new quilts in time, so they got what was finished with a promise to complete...someday. 






The Drive Home...


Main St. Joplin

Main St. , Joplin


East of town- ground zero.

Last week while Jeremiah and the kids were off school the rental house was gutted. Now it's time for the electrician and plumber to get in there.

Jo, Frank and the kids came in Friday afternoon and it was sort of a lazy weekend for me. We always end up staying up too late and I'm up early with chores so I felt like I sat on the couch much too much. The boys got a lot of work done on both trucks. Our glow plugs needed to be replaced and the brakes on Frank's truck needed some work. The rental house needed some things tidied up with the electrical so that the thermostat could be tied back in and a few other things that could not wait for the electrician due to exposed old knob and tube wiring.

In true Amanda fashion, I fell asleep well before midnight. Jo and I got in to my sewing room and de-clutterd on New Year's Dayfrom all the scraps and second quality diapers I'd been hoarding or not had the time to post for sale. They'll go to good use to a Grandma who watches her grand-baby.

PhotobucketThe soap Jo and I made several weekends ago ( turned out really well. If you'll remember, I was worried the brown sugar soap would leave the user sticky. Quite the contrary! It's awesome stuff and smells a cookie!

The weather, for this time of year, has been glorious- day time highs of 40s and 50 and a couple 60's have even crept in. I really can't complain. The nights have been hovering around freezing. Some mornings I have to break or pour off ice, other mornings I don't. The days usually just require a light jacket...a far cry from last year at this time! So, I am ever so grateful...though we still need moisture.

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