Sunday, August 24, 2014

Tom Tom

Tom and Tom are 2 of our 3 turkeys. The 3rd is a hen and nowhere near as interesting to look at as these guys. Last year we only raised a hen. Turkeys really are fun animals. These guys are so talkative, inquisitive and friendly! And, they are the best bug catchers EVER snatching flies, grasshoppers and everything else mid-air! The bugs and grass have pretty much been their main diet since they left the safety of the roving coop at 8 weeks old when we butchered the broiler chickens. They have done very well for us free range.

Right now they are in their full "dress to impress" outfits. Normally their heads and necks are a pale pink, their snood (the piece of skin that hangs over their noses) is shrunk up to their faces and their feathers aren't puffed out but this particular morning there was a need to show off to the hen. 

The wild turkeys have been in great abundance this year. We have 2 hens that visit the back yard frequently. Between them they hatched out over 15 chicks so we have little turkey poults running around. They like to get into the pigs' pasture and hide in the tall grass. Our turkeys haven't seemed the least bit interested in the wild turkeys and visa versa. I was assured we'd have a hard time keeping our meat turkeys from mingling with the wild ones. Two years in a row and even last year with just a single hen, I guess they figure the vittles are better in "captivity" though their life may not be anywhere near as long...but then again, it may!

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