Monday, November 1, 2010


Halloween photos for your viewing pleasure. Rachel went as Tinkerbell and Drew went as Cpt. Hook before he met up with the crocodile.

We took the children to the Zoo here in town actually. It's a quint little zoo and from 4-6 PM they handed out candy and had some of their animals out of their enclosures for the kids to pet.

The kids had a lot of fun. All in all I am Halloween-ed out as our festivities started on Friday with the kids parties at school.

We went to the Salthawk's football game on Friday night. It was COLD! Salthawks won but it was a close game. I think they tried as hard as they could to loose but managed to hang on through every fumble and interception. Fortunately for "us", the other team liked having additional players on the field who couldn't get off fast enough before the flags from the refs started flying, that was "our"saving grace for part of it.

The kids fell asleep shortly after half time so at least we got to watch part of the game in peace. The whole first half their candy induced spastic behavior had us saying "settle down" every second and a half! Fortunately for us there were young children all around so no one noticed our heathens hyper children too much except for the poor guy in front of us who got kicked in the back I don't know how many times! Fortunately, he was a dad too with a boy of about 12 with him so it hadn't been that long ago he was in our same predicament position. I told him he could turn around and slap the perps who kick him, I just hoped it wouldn't accidentally be me!

The second half of the game was peaceful, uncomfortable with kids laying up against our shoulders drooling and spewing hot nacho cheese, salty pretzel and pepsi breath in our face when we looked down to smile at our sleeping angels, but peaceful nonetheless. I don't know which was the better trade off.

Speaking of heathens, I mean angels, here they are now...

Kids halloween 2010

Rachel back

Halloween 2010 kids 5

Halloween 2010 kids 2

Halloween 2010 kids 3

Halloween 2010 kids 4 
P.S. Yes, I made their costumes...on Thursday no less! Both of them were patterns I did freehand so I'm pretty impressed and proud! ::taking a bow:: Pats on the back are appreciated, thank you thank you.

Drew just wore brown pants. I had wanted to make Bermuda style pants with elastic at the knee so he could wear white knee socks and felt boot looking socks over his real shoes and really look the part but I doubt he woulda gone for all that. As it was, I had to try to coerce him into not wanting to be Cpt. hook and just be a plain pirate since I wasn't up for actually making a hook but it wouldn't fly. We settled for being Cpt. Hook BEFORE he lost his hand. It works.


Jo Abair said...

What is the fabric on Drew's costume? It looks very durable! Good job on making lasting good looking costumes. Much better than a costume that falls apart, these look great and will provide hours of fun dress up play.

Amanda said...

His pants ended up being some brown twill he already had and wears for everyday use. His jacket is this nasty suede cloth ak that I HATED touching. BUT, I got it super cheap at Walmart because it was a remnant! His belt and head thingamadojigger is just plain old felt. The coins were a trim I bought at Walmart too, the most expensive piece of the whole dang outfit when priced singularly. I even got his sword, eye patch and eating for $3 total!