Friday, December 16, 2011

Conversations with kids: Death by Brassiere

Not to be confused with Death by Dairy Goat, two totally different subjects.

I bought a new bra for myself yesterday, one of the very few...well, um, luxuries I splurge on. I guess if you could call it that.

It was on the kitchen table with all the shopping and grocery bags yesterday and just as the groceries had not been put away, neither had the bra. Jeremiah, being a man, picks it up and I am sure I could spew off several of the thousand things that were running through his head about it but no need because in steps Drew.

Jeremiah commenced to torment the poor child. Drew was really caught between a rock and a hard place, so to speak, knowing he was probably 99% sure that Daddy was kidding when he said I had purchased it for him. However, there was a slight 1% of doubt where he wasn't really sure. I could see the look of questioning in his eye...the look of worried, sickened, frightened, utter disdain questioning in his eyes.

Never fear though, Rachel -not wanting to be left out and since no one had actually mentioned exactly what great gift we were talking about- stepped in and right on que, I  released Drew from his inner turmoil and mentioned I had bought it for Rachel. Relief...for Drew.

So, imagine, if you's Friday morning, we're all scrambling a bit to get about our day. Jeremiah is holding up unmentionables in the kitchen while our two young children are being accused tormented held accountable of ownership. Jeremiah is taking shear delight in all of this as Rachel proceeds to say, "That is not my bra. My boobies are not that big!!!" (never-mind that she doesn't HAVE boobies!)

And the mood goes silent on Momma's end, Jeremiah and the kids are hysterical. Thank you Rachel, you've made my Friday. Why does nothing ever end well for Momma???

I had wanted to give a good George Jones rendition of "It's Finally Friday" but rather, it's left me feeling like belting out a Bette Midler classic from Beaches of "Otto Titsling"!

1 comment:

Jo Abair said...

LOL then I need to chime in with Rachel and say, then it isnt mine either!