Friday, April 20, 2012

Around the farm in April

"Chicken tractor" allows the chickens to be moved from spot to spot to scratch in new spots everyday and stay safe from marauders. Right now they are allowed to roam though outside of the tractor.
Pig shelter
Silver Laced Wyandotte pullets
If we wish it down hard enough, maybe it will fall.


Nicole said...

Love that first photo of your daughter,(I'm guessing), relaxing with all the goats.

Katie Allegretti said...

I, too, love that first photo of R. She looks SO cute lounghing with the goats! So, pig shelter? Are you getting a pig or do you have one?

Amanda said...

Nicole- Yes, that is Rachel (DD). I walked out to the pasture and there she was, using the babies as a pillow. I guess it's as good as any =).

Amanda said...

Katie, No piggies yet. We need to wait a little while longer until some of the kids are weaned so that we've got extra milk. Part of the reason we were getting pigs was because of the excess milk and milk fed pork is fabulous. Also, fall is a better time for butchering and they gain pretty quickly. I don't want 300+ lb. pigs to butcher, we'd like them a bit smaller =).