Sunday, May 13, 2012


If I had an Indian red cent for every post I wanted to start with the words 'We're busy', we could retire!

That said, it's graduation season. No offense to graduates, but if I have to sit through another graduation before my own kid's, I think I may kill myself! They are so bad, yesterdays being particularly awful given the speeches, oh dear.

Yesterday was Drew's birthday. Friday Jeremiah took off work for a whole school fieldtrip to the zoo. It was fun. I said at least 5 times that the Wichita Zoo is REALLY nice!

Just before we left this little guy decided to show up.Cute little bugger, ain't he?
I would guess he's about 5-6 weeks old (he looks bigger in he photo than he actually is). He's friendly as all get out. So friendly in fact, I wanted to throw him across the room at 3 AM! I think we'll name him 'Jet', if he continues to be so friendly, he may have to learn to fly like one.

 I have to wonder if he was dumped. Course, with it being Drew's birthday, naturally he thinks, 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!". We've called several neighbors, no one knows of him. For now he's just visiting until we know for sure he doesn't already have a home.

In other news, we found evidence of what may have been stealing our chickens- a fresh skunk hole in the buck's pasture. We bought a live trap to put out there out try and catch it. That is NOT something we want hanging around! It probably thinks it's a swell place to set up residence...that is, until we catch it!

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