Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Digging for water

We're getting around to putting in a spigot for the garden and now the pig pen. Eventually we'll run lines the opposite direction out to the pasture but right now, the hoses go through the pig pen from the main barn spigot and it's not all that convenient to walk all the way out to the barn to control the garden's water.

PhotobucketAs you can see the garden is doing really well, mostly due to the amount of water its getting from the well! They-whoever they are, probably the same people who are controlling the weather!- are saying this is another year to go down in the record books. We're expecting highs well over 100 every day for the next week at least and the chance of rain they were expecting has dwindled to nearly nothing. It's beyond desperation at this point.

Fortunately, we're stocked up on hay. We didn't take chances and started calling about hay early! I've sold several milkers (does in milk) and just one doe kid. We're keeping most of the others.

Jeremiah and I primed the chicken coop & pig shelter two nights ago and painted them yesterday evening. Now all the coop needs is white trim. It's nice to finally have 2 little red buildings in the barnyard instead of plywood ones.

The heat is taking it all out of all of us. I was up early this morning at 7 working in the garden pulling weekds to throw over the fence to the pigs.

Snow had 2 pups yesterday but they were both dead on arrival. I'm not sure why. Such is life on the farm. The kitten are all doing well, mischievous little devils they are.

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