Saturday, September 10, 2011

I'd be better off in a pine box

The fam. and I attended the Hutch. high football game last night. The half time performance left spit flowing down my chin for the lack of ability to psychically lift up my lower jaw to its normal position being so dumbfounded by the performance of the "drill team" (the Salt Shakers, as they call them). I immediately felt the need to write a letter to the editor of the Hutchinson News. As of Saturday morning it is not sent, but here it is for my loving blog readers to read over while I stew on this.

Call me old fashioned -and for a thirty one year old mother of two children ages 5 and 7 who grew up in LOS ANGELS of all places, I hardly think "old fashioned" is accurate- but the Hutch. High Salt Shakers performance to Kesha's "Boots and Boys" on Friday night has me coining a phrase from a Dierks Bently's song, "What Was She Thinkin". What could the coach(es) have been thinking to allow such a song to be used for a performance of young girls at a high school football game in front of people young and old? I kid you not, it was jaw-dropping! The disbelief of my husband and I as we sat next to our 7 year old daughter while she smiled and moved to the music and greatly admired the girls dance (without completely understanding the full scope of it all) so provocatively to a song with lyrics I wouldn't even let a teenager listen to on You Tube! Our daughter said to me, "I want to be a salt shaker when I grow up!" My response? "I'd be better off in a pine box!"

When did it become okay for teenage girls to dance in such a way? What happened to the great non-sexually oriented corrigraphy of yesterday? What happened to wholesome? My husband, kids and I attend the home games for a few reasons. One: to support the school, support the students and support the community. Secondly: to spend quality time with our children doing something we all enjoy. Normally we'd be at home piled on our bed watching a family movie like we try to do every Friday night after a week separated by school and work and life. It is hard enough to raise children these days with wholesome values, morals, ethics, responsibility, etc. when sending them out in the world but then to also be bombarded by the opposite at -what I would consider- a family friendly event. Perhaps the tractor pull at the fair would have been a better choice!

THIS IS A SMALL PORTION OF WHAT IS WRONG WITH AMERICA! You may say that times are changing and we must change with them. Certain "times" are changing because certain parents and (ir)responsible adults are getting lazy and have little to no values themselves apparently. Is that too harsh for a seemingly innocent dance to a seemingly innocent song by seemingly innocent young girls? I think not.

That single performance leaves me wondering if we should even be attending football games any longer. At the very least, one of the most favorite parts to the whole event (half time) will be spent visiting the concession; and while I am not at all opposed to supporting the concession, I'd really like to support the rest of the contributors too! At least the band and concession haven't also joined the ranks of ludicrous! I can just barely deal with profanity screaming fans in the stands (after all, it IS just a game!) but to have to blindfold and put hearing protection on my children to shield them from the half time show is absurd. I wonder, is the bathroom a safe haven during the half time show for those patrons who didn't come to a night club? Sitting away from the cheerleaders explicit moves is optional, bombardment by the drill team was not.

The coaches, parents and responsible adults in charge of these young girls are doing them a serious injustice. 

"Another One [family event] Bites the Dust".
Disappointed in Hutch.
Amanda Harmon
Hutchinson, Ks.


Tonia said...

WOW!! I would send it myself! that would be horrible to go and expect family atmosphere and get that. There is no way I would take my girls who are 13,13 & 15 to a local football game.. other than to show them how wrapped up people can become in a Silly game.. Yes I do believe even pros are silly! They are over paid and ridiculous in my humble opinion. I was in band as color guard/flag girl and my brother was a football player so I attended many games.. But I always thought WOW people really get serious about this stuff.. I always thought Game=fun!!..>not sooo!
We like the truck & tractor pulls and rodeos that are family oriented!

Lois Hathway said...

Right on cousin! You said it all. Send the letter!!

Jo Abair said...

You should send it. A lot of people feel the same way, and if we do send in letters and make our statements then we are not just standing by while the world changes in such a sad way.