Sunday, October 10, 2010

Be Vewy Vewy Quiet, I'm hunting Wabbits Turkeys

Don't worry, the turkeys won this weekend.

Final score:

Frank and Tad- goose egg

Turkeys- won (pun intended)

Turkeys in the pond

Jo, Frank and the kids came up for a weekend of hunting before Frank deploys again. Saturday morning they were out early only to miss. I mean...not miss...I mean, decided to let the turkeys live because, according to them, they wouldn't have had time to clean the bird and go to Lowes for building materials and do all the stuff we wanted to get done. Yeah, that's it.

Sunday morning bright dark and cold and early Frank and Tad were back out there freezing waiting in a grove of trees for the turkeys to wander by. I guess one did, but it lived to be a turkey another day.

It appears we don't eat this week. So much for the Tactical Turkey Shooter Shotgun!


Lois said...

Those are might skinny turkey birds -- unlike the big plump ones that we have in California. And where was Jeremiah during the big turkey hunt? I thought he lived for the hunt.

P.S. Good for the turkeys!!!

Amanda said...

Pish posh, skinny turkey birds indeed! I'm offended :o), but not really. I'd say they are about the same in size to be honest.

Jeremiah went out on Saturday morning and debated on Sunday but in the end, I think he just wanted to sleep in. Meanwhile I was the look out...look out and watch them run away that is, HA!