Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Round 4 & A Week In Review

Round 4 of winter storms is upon us. I am SICK TO DEATH of winter. I am ready for a green blade of grass, no sign of snow, no salt on the sidewalks or salt solution on the road, sun shiny days for 6 hours straight even, ANYTHING!

The terrible wind is reeking havoc with our phone line and since we're on DSL, I may or may not get this published.

This week in review: Two Sunday's ago Drew was sick. Rachel said he was down with the sickness. While I don't think it was as bad as the plague, the poor little guy didn't feel real well at all. Monday he was perky again, Tuesday and Wednesdays were snow days and I was about to kill myself with everyone home! Thursday he wasn't acting right. I asked him if he was feeling okay and he said yes so I sent him off to school only to get a call a bit later on to say he was puking. GREAT! Thursday evening he spent laying around, Friday morning he was puking again but by Friday around noon he was just fine. He still didn't go to school so all in all, I got, well, NO work done! And then, even more fun, Rachel started puking on Friday night and so not only did I have a weekend full of regular work, I also had 2 huge blankets and a load of puke covered clothing I needed to wash. Great!

Jeremiah wasn't feeling so hot Saturday but as I write this on Tuesday, I think everyone is over "the sickness". I hope!

Our weekend was spent getting the barn ready for kidding. I have one kidding stall up and Jeremiah is going to weld up a panel for me to place at the back of the barn creating two more pens. The middle of the barn will be the forth pen and that should do it. I don't need the panels just yet though. Will tell you AFTER goat babies are here that they are here. Quite frankly, with this crappy weather, they could wait until July for all I care.

kidding pen 2011

view of front of barn


Monday (yesterday) was just a crappy crappy day for everyone. Drew has been making a habit of coming into our room in the middle of the night, waking me up to crawl into my side of the bed. I haven't slept well in ages and it's showing. Jeremiah had some overly irritating students yesterday and for him to come home complaining of irritating students, they must have been heathens.

Time to get the kids up and then it's out to battle the forces of nature. I have some more recipes to share so stay tuned.

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