Thursday, September 15, 2011

Kitties and sewing

As usual, we're busy!

A few weekends ago we headed north for our last load of hay. I dare say we'll have plenty but with the way things are, one can not be too prepared. I certainly hope this was just a funny year with the lack of rain. Next year I hope to be baling our own hay, scythe cut (by hand) and baled by hand as well. More on that later.

kittyWhile up getting hay, we also spent the day at Jo's helping install a bathtub. They adopted 2 kittens and while the kids did not specifically ask for a kitty of their own, they sure did like them. Who couldn't love an adorable kitty? I sure do, at someone elses house! So this non-asking on the part of the children turned into these...a "Beauty" and a "Heidi". Don't ask me how it happened but those are our kitties on our bed! Exactly how does one drive 90 miles to pick up hay and help install a bathtub and come home with 2 kitties? Yeah, I'm kinda stumped too!

cloth diaperI managed to barely get done with fair sewing in time to turn my projects in. Jo and her kids came down Monday and we went to the fair for the day. My diaper took a 3rd place ribbon in the "other than classified" category. As far as I can tell my dress did not place at all. Who would of thunk that a cloth diaper would take 3rd when they probably didn't even know what it was???

Had I known they were into pretty and not function in the dress category, I wouldn't have bothered. Yes, Rachel did get a nice dress out of it but it seems the winners, in this great state of function and form and grit, prefer a wear once, stay the hell out of the dirt and sit quietly with your hands folded in your lap type of outfit. Am I jealous? Not really, just more determined for next year. The other outfits were nice, no doubt. Next year I need more lace and frills apparently and I'll go smaller scale with it...a concentrated form so as not to use so much fabric while making this stay the hell out of the dirt, sit with your hands folded in your lap type of outfit.

1 comment:

Jo Abair said...

I was kinda stumped by the winners though as well, the ones that won were nice but the ones that didnt were often equally as nice-and some were quite frilly. I really wondered what they use as a deciding factor. Is it how nicely the inner seams are done? I was surprised in some ways by the judging, but I havent been to a lot of fairs. I am sure that just like goats, it partly depends on the judge. Your dress and diaper were lovely though...