Friday, September 16, 2011

Thanksgiving Menu

Dear Cousins,

In our ongoing effort to live frugally off the land -and the fact you'll be coming so far, I really don't expect you to bring the turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, rolls, pie and everything else too- I've put together the Thanksgiving Day menu. Read it over and if you need any revisions due to dietary concerns, please let me know.

We had thought about just plain dressing, maybe even going wild and doing a cornbread dressing but all summer long we've had a toad in our garage who has become rather large. He scares the children by jumping out as they venture in to feed the dog in socks or bare feet. I've heard of sausage stuffing before so I figured, what the heck...they eat frog in France, with enough seasoning, I think toad dressing would be really good stuffed inside a bird!

Speaking of the pièce de résistance though, I think we're going to forgo the bird. We considered goat but in an effort to let them grow a bit larger to maximize our "harvest", we decided against either when last night there was a 'possum on the porch that was eating the cat food. He looked rather large and we thought that would certainly be a divine treat! So, unless you object, we're having 'possum. I really think the toad stuffing will lend itself quite well to 'possum!

As for sides, it's been a tough year for the garden due to the lack of rain and persistent 100+ degree temps. All we really got out of it were heaps of dried corn stalks and pricker bushes. So, I'm not entirely sure we'll be having a side or if we'll just be dining on toad stuffing and roasted 'possum while we make corn stalk dolls with prickers for eyes.

Come to think of it, we did get a pretty good rain a few weeks ago that brought back my watermelon plants from the brink of extinction. We never did get any melons off of it but the leaves look pretty good. Maybe I could use some of that extra toad stuffing and do like the Greek do with their stuffed grape leaves. 

The walnut harvest was pretty poor too but we did manage to salvage a few before the squirrels got them. Jeremiah said that squirrel hunting should only happen in the winter due to specific parasites that don't survive in the cold. Squirrel is out of the question for the main course or as a side and with the 'possum and toad, I think we're got the protein covered anyway. As for the walnuts, we don't have a cinnamon tree but do you think black locust tree bark would due in a pinch? Sugar is a staple so I'm kinda wondering how lightly toasted walnuts with a black locust tree bark simple syrup would taste. Yes, that should make a delicious dessert and should be really good over home made goat's milk ice cream.

Variety will be sparse, but I think we'll be okay in the end. It's mostly about family anyway, right?

My love to all, can't wait to see you for Thanksgiving!

P.S. Don't even worry about the pickles and olives, I really think this 'possum will come pretty darn close to those behemoth birds you all buy anyway! They'll be plenty!

1 comment:

Lois said...

Okay, so I really don't know how to answer your post. I know the old saying, "When in Rome...", so I guess if that's what you're having, then that's what we're having -- we're family afterall. Just as an aside, is there a Denny's in Hutch? Just asking.