Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Gunpowder and Lead

Here's some humor for you. Imagine this if you will -or you may not actually want to-. I was coming out of REM sleep around 5 AM this morning dreaming about something, though I couldn't tell you what. I hear dogs barking -which isn't at all unusual- and the distinct yip yip yip howl from a coyote, and it is CLOSE!

Thoughts about why I can't hear King barking along with saving the babies and everything else run through my head as I fumble down the hallway, and into the garage to put my barn shoes on. I nearly fall off the landing of the stairs, but managed to get down those somehow without killing myself to turn on the back yard flood light and I saw coyote(s) eyes at the goat yard fence. Where King is I don't know. I call for him, he doesn't answer, doesn't come. It's not like him at all. "Did he run after some?" What's going on?" I think. I run back inside, still partly asleep mind you, disoriented, adrenaline pumping and I scream for Jeremiah to, "Get the gun. Coyotes are in the back yard."

Poor man, I don't think I was done with my sentence before he was up, shot gun shells laying on the bed, throwing them one by one into the gun...good soldier! Here he comes down the hall and hangs a right to the living room instead of b-lining it to the garage door and I'm thinking, "go out the back!". He grabs his can of tobacco and says, "If I am going to kill me some coyotes, I need tobacco". "Really? Seriously?", I think and roll my eyes and shake my head.

The rest of the story isn't important. It ends up that all the goats and babies are safe, King the dog is still there and the coyote(s) run off. The hysterical part in all of this is, it's in the low 30's! There my husband is, at 5 AM, loaded shotgun in hand, standing on the back patio squinting through the darkness, startled awake by his wife's screaming, tobacco in his mouth, in the dark, IN NOTHING BUT HIS UNDERWEAR! Yes my friends, if this scenario fits you, YOU might be a redneck!

Dear sweet man, who couldn't love someone who does that fer ya??? To top it all off, he was ready to walk out to the barn like that before I told him to hold on while I got him some clothes.

1 comment:

Jo Abair said...

That is awesome! I so wish I could say my husband would do that for me, but 1, he wears no unders so could be some issues there... 2, I dont think he would wake up. I, however, HAVE been at the fence with a loaded gun in a t shirt, panties and boots. Oh and I think I grabbed my hat. I am sure it was scary. Your new babies are all so so adorable!