Friday, March 4, 2011

More Hollow Updates

Here are some updates photos of the boys. They're spoken for- in case you're wondering (They'll stay here until June when they are weaned). I have never seen 2 boys with such severe SBT so early on in life! SBT, by the way, is Severe Buckish Tendencies (a term I made up to describe their totally absurd (by human standards) actions). Drew thinks they play "make babies" a lot. AND THEY DO! I jokingly told Jeremiah it's any wonder they know how to use their front legs being as how the are riding the other brother half the day.

They've taken a real liking to Apricot (one of my does) and when Bonnie's not around-which is more and more often these days as she feels more and more confident in wandering about and not being at their beckon call-they like to hang out with her. Yesterday I caught them cuddling up beside her in the sunshine for a rest and she doesn't seem to mind that they jump all over her.

I've spent more time with the belted little guy the past 2 weeks as he was acting like he didn't have the time for humans. Not that they weren't friendly before but babies being babies, depending on their personality, sometimes just don't want to sit and relax for any length of time. The darker spotted one has always been overly anxious to walk up to receive pets but the belted one just hasn't had the time of day to hang around. He's had other priorities like running and jumping...on girls. Over the past 2 weeks he's finally decided that being pet is a great thing and being scratched is worth the time to hang around. Rachel has had some to do with that. After school she goes out, scoops him up and sets him on her lap in the sunshine and pets and talks to him. It's quite endearing. They are getting to big for Drew to pick up and he'd rather use my hoe to dig holes...and then leaves the hoe laying in the goat yard...and I don't notice it until I get up to the house and have to make him go back down to pick it up...and then he gets upset...and then I say I don't care...and then he grumbles all the way down to the barn...and in the amount of time it takes him to do it he forgets why he was upset and runs back up to get back to whatever it was that he was doing.

The weather's been pretty nice the past few days. My tarps were delivered Monday. I didn't pulled them out until yesterday afternoon. They are laying in the back yard. Looks like we're not going to get any rain today so we held off on cutting them up and installing grommets. We went back out to the barn to decide exactly how we're going to do this and I need to get a few more things from the hardware store.

Hopefully pictures of this endeavor to come...

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