I've been working hard on getting things unpacked. It's not going quickly but it's going well. Bit by bit, that's my motto.
Last week the kids rooms were a disaster. In an attempt to keep them busy, get them "back to normal" and take their minds off of the stress of moving we just took every box labeled toys and brought them in, let them unpack them in their rooms and PLAY. It was a good thing, but what a mess!
So, like a good homemaker mama I went to sorting and cleaning and organizing. Drew's room took me 3 hours but it's done. I still need to paint and I won't get to that for a while. He wants a light green "just like home" in which he means like California. He has bins in his closet sorted with blocks, and shoes, and balls, and Legos, and Tinker Toys, and Lincoln Logs, and train tracks, and stuffed animals.
Rachel's room is another story. She has a walk in closet and every single dress up article is piled on the floor in the back. What a mess. I need to pick up a piece of lumber, sand it, route it, paint it and apply hooks to. Jeremiah said we should hang another pole closer to her height so she can reach the hangers but if I know Rachel, and I do, she will not spend the time to place each article on a hanger and hang it up, so a hook is better!
Rachel wants purple walls. We let them look at the myriads of colored paper samples at Lowes the other day. Rachel was not too happy I wouldn't let her have the darker purple she wanted but we settled on a nice medium lavender.
I finished up refinishing one of the oak dressers for our room and we moved that in Thursday night. I spent half my day yesterday going through 3 large boxes full of "bathroom stuff". Why oh why do we keep expired medication!?
Our room is nearly complete minus the paint job but there's still boxes of clothing out in the shop somewhere along with a lot of the hangers! Trying to put clothes away without hangers is difficult at best.
We've yet to put the headboard and foot board on the bed. For that matter, we've yet to put the mattresses on the actual bed frame but Jeremiah put a fresh coat of paint on the head and foot board so we can get that all put together this weekend.
Things are coming together bit by bit.
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