Saturday, September 4, 2010

Grandparent's Day at "B O"

What a sweet day it was indeed. For those of you who don't get the title, maybe I haven't explained it before. It's really quite touching hilarious! Dear Rachel made a mistake when asked one day what school she would be attending in the Fall. She proudly replied that she would be going to "B O school".
She didn't find the humor in it when we all started to laugh. She still doesn't get it, not that we've explained it to her, and she still will occasionally call it B O. Oh well.

Drew and I were stand ins for all the Grandparents. We got to do an art project. As you can see, Andrew's looks pretty good doesn't it? I'll take credit for that thankyouverymuch. He got himself into a tissy when Rachel asked for her regular seat back and made him sit in the slightly larger computer chair that we had borrowed to sit in. By the time the pictures were finished he had come around enough to put a cloud on it and add some polka dots as the finishing touches.

We got to eat lunch in the cafeteria too! I mentioned earlier that the chicken and noodles was on the menu. Despite what Rachel says about it being as good as Great Grandma's, I can say with certainty that it is not. First of all, it's not even the same thing. It's more like, well, I don't even know what to liken it to. It wasn't horrible but it was thin pasta like fettuccine with a chicken gravy and chunks of chicken over dehydrated mashed potatoes. Not awful, but not the chicken and noodles I think of.

All in all it was nice. Lotsa kids had their grandparents there so it was bittersweet of course. BUT, it 'tis what it 'tis. After lunch Rachel went out to recess on the playground and Drew went down the hall to preschool.

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